This Is Africa

Started the day as usual, going to the project for a walk before brekkie. Today we took a bit longer walk which was 2 hours. We are usually out 2 hours on our walks but then we stop and rest and let the cubs play but today they were really on edge and walked the whole time. They stalked and hunted impala which was so cool to watch. Unfortunately they didn't kill any ;) (would have been awesome to see). After this walk you were so hungry, i don't know how much i ate but it was alot hehe. When breakfast was devoured we would make some toys, i came with the plan to make a ball which was hanging from a tree so they could try take it down and hit it with the paw. So we went out in the bush and they showed us some trees which you could make rope from. They started to tear the tree apart and made rope from the fibre, tvisted and knotted and it looked and felt like real rope it was so cool! We got to learn how to do it and learned a bit about the trees. They really make everything from the bush here, and they have so much knowledge of everything. We sat down by a waterhole to make the rope and then we just wanted the guys to make us bracelets so they sat there twisted tiny tree fibre for bracelets haha it was so funny to watch those guys sitting there making us girls bracelets after our demand. There were different trees you could use to get colours like white/green/brown/red so i got a red one. We laughed and had so much fun and danced. It took maybe an hour to finish the rope which we tied to a ball and then went to the VF's enclosure to tie the ball up in a tree. Viti wasn't really amused but she isn't that playful, but Fumi was really on it, she loved it and started hitting it and biting and tried to get it down. She finally pulled the whole thing down from the tree and went to a corner to chew on the "rope". We were so hungry now again so we went back for some lunch and just rested by the pool and talked. Then we had to get back to Masuwe, this time we would do litter picking, which means that we walk around picking up trash from the bush so the animals wont eat it, get hurt nor get stuck in it. This sounds boring but it was acually very funny cause we had Lenard with us who is really weird and hilarious so we had quite many good laughs. After a while we had to turn back cause there was wild elephants ahead which you don't wanna meet by foot. But we were out walking for a good two hours before we had to go back for dinner. After dinner me and Elin went to the store for some sugar and fat ;) We then rushed back to watch mine and Hannahs video/pics of our rafting haha hilarious! After that we watched an interview with the man who created this whole lion project! Then i sneaked into the others room and just sat there eating junkfood, talking and just chilling before bed :) lots of chilling here but its Africa ey ;)

Fumi with the toy

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